IRB is currently running a fundraising campaign called Human Nature Culture to help us move from germination to pollination. Along with your support, IRB can bloom, sowing seeds of relational restoration among its many emerging projects and collaborations. Funds raised during the campaign will be distributed in the following way:
🌍 Bioregional Allocation of Funds
We will partner with active ecological restoration projects in each bioregion and allocate 33% of the funds raised directly to local efforts, with a focus on indigenous communities.
🌳 Development Costs for the ReBe App
We will allocate 33% towards the development costs for the ReBe app, focusing on features that support mental well-being, environmental awareness and community building.
🦋 IRB Fellowship and Administrative Support
We will allocate 33% towards supporting the IRB fellowship, investing in mentorship programs, research grants and networking opportunities for fellows to advance their work in related fields. Funds will also provide financial support for the growing IRB team.
Your support will directly help by:
Bringing representation, respect, reverence, and awe to our multi-species companions, through art, education, storytelling, community engagement and beyond. We currently publish On Relational Being on Substack and offer it for free. Your donation will support the development of this publication.
Helping shift the damaging dominant worldview that elected humans as the central characters of our shared story, transforming this in a way that places humans into a more humble, realistic and ultimately more life-affirming position among the web of life.
If you would like to invest in or partner with IRB, please get in touch via our contact form. We’d love to hear from you!